Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday is not fun day...that is what Sunday's for.

I've spent a total of 6 hours and 37 minutes awake. Of those, 30 minutes was walking the four legged terror, 30 was primping for work (making sure by clothes at least smelled clean), 30 minutes driving, and the rest is at work. Not too busy, I decided to start a blog. This will basically indulge my vain side, and no one will actually ever read it. Damn.

Also, I broke my shoe.

The rest of my Friday will consist of drinking beer, wine, or coctails at my place with the 4-legged terror as I have to work early tomorrow. Hopefully I can adjust the right amount of alcohol to make me sleepy by midnight and not too sleepy to wake up or have hang over.

Story from Wednesday:

I have this friend that is super nice, but a little much. So, I have adopted a theory: we hang out only once a week and then she gets her fix of me and I don't have to see her until the next week. Here's where it gets weird. . . She copies me all the time. Yes, copies. This is bizarre since it's been over a decade since jr. high, and I am not at all used to this behavior. Recently she has decided to crush on my crush (fine, since neither one of us will get him anyway). Not only crush on my crush (cute floppy greasy hair crush), but dresses up for him when we know we'll see him and then tells me how hot she's looking. Damn...I'm still in my work clothes and sporting a small volcano on my forhead and probably have salad dressing or coffee stain somewhere on my person. I guess this is better than the time she bought the same purse as me (on purpose) and got a similar hair cut/dye job.

And this, folks, is why I spend my Fridays alone.

OK, I'm not that I?

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